22 January 2007

Dedicated to Brad


I seriously dread the daily cattle drive of a walk through the student center because there's so many idiots that I have to share oxygen and walking space with. Today, there was an extremely loud girl behind me yelling "kick her aaaaasssssssss!!! kick her aaaaaaaassss!!!" (now multiply that volume by 7 and repeat over and over and over again). I don't think I'm being too optimistic by assuming college will weed out some loud, obnoxious people. That alone is almost worth the ridiculous price of tuition.


Unknown said...

I just now realized this post was dedicated to me - I feel really bad for not noticing this earlier, but isn't it good to know I go straight to reading though? Actual interest - wawoo(?)

Unknown said...

only 3 and a half months left! and the tuition is totally worth it to get rid of those people