27 April 2010

i'm blue da ba de da ba di

my blue apartment and my blue boyfriend

my blue car 
I picked it out when I was 12 and thought pastel colors were sooo cuuute for vehicles...

my blue bicycle

23 April 2010

mushy rooms

Mushrooms... they're so suggestive?.<..+=+?!!!??  They grow out of feces, dead animals, and apparently the planter outside of my door. They can be magical, delish on pizza, poisonous... you get the point. I like them.

Beautiful, innocent mushrooms growing next to my apartment that inspired me to write this lame-ass blog entry.

haaaa penis

Frank Lloyd Wright's inspiration?

because architecture cannot be sculpture


22 April 2010

today's informal learning

Today while sipping on one of those Starbucks lemonadey/passion teay things in the west mall I was entertained by one of those loud, racist, crazy, evangelical christian yellers fit with a large sign about fire and brimstone or some shit. Just a few of the highlights of what he taught me in those precious 36 minutes:

-masturbation is a mortal sin
-pornography leads to child molestation and bestiality
-the devil is most definitely a "faggot"
-the people of New Orleans deserved to die
-the people of Haiti deserved to die
-Obama is a baby killer

Here is a very special baby that escaped Obama's clutches
crazy preaching baby

-it is exactly what it sounds like. 
-its the first video on the site
-many of the other videos might entertain you as well.

O and most importantly....

20 April 2010

Why my feather shawl is fashionable.

Yes the feather shawl is a staple to my wardrobe. And for good reason. It is warm. It is stylish. It would be approved by Lady Gaga, Elton John, and David Bowie. I plucked each and every feather from dead crows. 

Drew's take on the feathers

Charleen wig



I think Drew came closest to this particular look.

09 April 2010

some number crunching

I'm not one to complain but... ha yes I am!

this semester:
+taking 16 credit hours
+stuck in class 27 actual hours per week (not counting when design runs an hour over)
+working at Zocalo 10 hours per week
+doing an average of 4 hours of homework per day
Total = 65 hours per week

Being a student is definitely a job...

07 April 2010


 wild cat doin wild things

06 April 2010

April is kiln safety month

Tour of ACME brick factory all the way out in good 'ole, sausage lovin Elgin. Complete with a souvenir longhorn brick, cheap dorritos from the vending machine, and intense radiation from the kilns. 

03 April 2010

simply spring

It was nice to go to a party in the afternoon. Something we all should do more often! To enjoy the sun and the grass and trees. O and of course fruit bubbles, mixed drinks, and Eames videos.