22 April 2010

today's informal learning

Today while sipping on one of those Starbucks lemonadey/passion teay things in the west mall I was entertained by one of those loud, racist, crazy, evangelical christian yellers fit with a large sign about fire and brimstone or some shit. Just a few of the highlights of what he taught me in those precious 36 minutes:

-masturbation is a mortal sin
-pornography leads to child molestation and bestiality
-the devil is most definitely a "faggot"
-the people of New Orleans deserved to die
-the people of Haiti deserved to die
-Obama is a baby killer

Here is a very special baby that escaped Obama's clutches
crazy preaching baby

-it is exactly what it sounds like. 
-its the first video on the site
-many of the other videos might entertain you as well.

O and most importantly....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

me likey! I find all of the above hilarious....