21 March 2010

SXSW fun

How to have the same SXSW experience as me:

Step 1: spend 2 nights sippin on free vodka drinks at the highball while watching datapop. Fav artists = Nullsleep and IAYD

Step 2: get in an epic fight with your boyfriend in front of lots of strangers so that a random lesbian chick will start pushing your boyfriend as she tries to defend you. Should have gone home with her...

Step 3: go american apparel flea market shopping but end up at some random "carniville" where there is free dos equis, red bull, and carnival rides. Don't throw up.

Step 4: carry around lots of free Camel Snus with no intention on ever using it. Makes me vom.

Step 4b: take an awful greenscreen photo in camel tent...

Step 5: see PeelanderZ and their "mad squid". Don't get crowd surfed dropped like those 2 guys...

Step 6: meander over to see Man Man on grassy knoll.  

Step 7: pass out early early watching movie with boyfriend.

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