17 March 2010

I lurv Unicorns

As a wee lass, I was much more interested in the horn-less versions of unicorns commonly known as horses. Especially those of the Palomino race. So pretty. But as I have grown and matured, I now find the more mythical variety is much pwettierrrrrr. 

I also have one question. Why uniCORN? Why not uniHORN?

a REAL unicorn

by the fabulous artist: Lisa Frank

by the fabulous artist: Kelsey Harper
       Brad and I made spray paint art the other day and this is what that bit of boredom produced.
 and my favorite shoes... I lost them once under my bed at a hostel in Paris and made my travel-mate Molly wait for an hour at the train station while I went back to get them. Missed our train, waited another 3 hours.

Worth it.

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