Monday of spring break, Brad and I woke up suuuuuper early (9:30am was tough) and drove a good 1.5 hours out to Fredericksburg to have an overpriced touristy German lunch fit with a frosty mug of beer. The joys of finally being 21. We strolled the streets, plastic cup of local wine in hand. Yes, drinking on public streets is legal there. Imagine if that was the case on 6th street. Would be a much more dangerous place.
Stumbled upon the most amazing "handmade in Peru" owl hat. It's like wearing my new stuffed animal friend on my head. Only slightly foolish. We never grow out of our childhood attachment to toys.
Theeeeeen we drove another 30 minutes to get to the beautiful enchanted rock only to wait in a line of cars and then turned away because the park was at capacity... apparently outdoor spaces have occupancy laws? Fire hazard?
The older, wiser Harper female (mommy) gave us the great idea of forgetting about stinky old enchanted rock and going out to Pertenales Falls. Good choice. We got there around sunset and walked barefoot on the "beach" and climbed rocks.

magnetic matter

o just standing on some rocks

vogue rock climbing

love algae